I'm looking for good multyplayer (something advantures)
Where I can chat and walk, or even fly. I don't like WOW ( world of worcraft) because it is too addicting...
I know this site:
Here I used to play Play Sherwood dragon, but I got pissed of because I forgot my name in the game. DX
I relly don't wan't to play it from the beginning! :(
If anyone knows a game that is simuler than please comment. :) If you don't, any other game is fine, just atleast let the caracture be seen like it in the game (here is a picture, because I don't know how to write it...) :D
O ye, and once I found a good game up on the internet, like a really big world and everyone looks like teenagers. (a need to be downloaded game) It's not really that much of a fantisy.
If you have any idea than please tell me, because I don't know the games name anymore...:(